Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Status Update

While I'm waiting for my collarbone to heal (please please please please heal), I'm taking the opportunity to get second opinions on what is wrong with my left hip - why is it loose? how can it be fixed? I am currently scheduled for a revision surgery with my original OS on August 6, but that will be pushed back regardless. My collarbone is still flexing - and there is no way I could use crutches at this point.

So... after sending off films and operation reports to the Vail doc (Dr. Philippon) several weeks ago, I finally had the chance to talk to his fellow yesterday. They had sent me a short letter saying i was a candidate for surgery, but hadn't described what they would do. Yesterday I learned the specifics of what they would do to fix the looseness in my left hip. In my original surgery Dr. Safran debrided/removed a significant amount of my labrum (the cartilidge band around the hip socket - that helps with stability and suction) - from 11:00 to 3:00. He also didn't close up the joint capsule on his way out of the hip. Dr. P thinks that both of these things are contributing to the instability and looseness in my hip and that only closing the joint capsule (which is what Dr. S is proposing) won't lead to a result that I'm happy with.

Dr. P. proposes to go back in to the hip and repair the labrum where it is missing. If there is insufficient labrum left (which I think is the case) they will take a piece from my IT band to create a fake labrum, and reattach that with sutures to the rim of my hip socket. That will apparently function as a new labrum. I was told that in studies they have found that the new labrum will actually re-grow/re-attach permanently to the hip socket. Success with this procedure is 85% according to a 2-year study Dr. P recently did.

This approach makes sense to me. But, I want to talk to Dr. S. about it and see what he thinks. I also have an appt. with Dr. Sampson in a few weeks (hopefully sooner if there are cancellations) and will ask his views as well. It is a bummer that there is no consistent agreed-upon approach to these surgeries. I wish there were longer-term studies about what works and what doesn't. I'm sure in 5 years they will know so much more. Its frustrating to say the least.

In the meantime, please send healing vibes my way for the collarbone.


  1. Sending healing vibes your way!!!! I can't even imagine having to deal with both the collarbone issues and the hip ones at the same time. Here's to a thorough and speedy recovery on both!

  2. Thanks Janet! I gather we are on the same time line with Dr. P. Nice to have some company on this ride! :)
    Take care,
