Friday, November 12, 2010


A lot has happened since my last post, or at least it feels like it. Two days ago I was in Vail - seeing Dr. Philippon. Its a long story, but moral is that I'm leaning towards having my labrum reconstructed with him in January, and then the second hip done in March. I think its just a gut feeling more than finally finding the right answer, since that clearly doesn't exist. I may change my mind in a week, but that's where I'm at now.

I also went to see my clavicle doc yesterday in SF and the xrays show what I thought - the clavicle has indeed started to heal! yay! for now, he doesn't want me pushing it, but to be mellow for another month or so and see where we are at. Ironically, I think (hope) my clavicle will be good to go just about when I'm scheduled for surgery on my first hip - January. So in the meantime, I'm going to just enjoy the holidays and the fall weather we are having, and ride, see family, enjoy the time I have before rehab.

As a side note - I got my first injection of cortisone into my left hip while in Vail. That hip typically just throbs 24/7 and I was hoping for some relief. I'm not sure yet whether its going to work. The first night and following day it definitely hurt more - was tender to even walk on. But, i'm hopeful that it will start to feel better soon...? we'll see.

The best part of going to CO was getting to see Vern and her new (or new to me) house and kitty. Georgeous part of the world. My visit coincided with Denver's first snow fall for the year. The day before I got there was 73 degrees, when I arrived on Tuesday night it was snowing and about 35 degrees. yipes!

The next day was bright blue skies and probably 40. I walked to the gym about a mile and a half away. My fingers and nose froze, but the trees changing color and all the cute houses made it worth it. Yay Colorado. I could live there for sure. Plus I scored some awesome jarred tomatoes and figs from vern. sweet!

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