Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Calamity Jane

I'm posting this partly against my better judgment. But here goes. It may be irrelevant 3 hours from now. i hope.

So, on Friday I had surgery to remove 2 plates and 16 screws from my clavicle - they had been there for a year, since a crash last May. They bothered me - bra straps hurt, carrying a purse hurt, backpacking was out the the question. I probably could have dealt wtih the first two, but I love backpacking and am not ready to give it up. Anyway, i was told this surgery was a "nothing" and it seemed to be true when i woke up on Friday from anesthesia. I was out the door, not nauseaus, not horribly in pain, and feeling decent 20 minutes after waking. I dozed off the drowsyness all afternoon friday and saturday woke up feeling pretty good. We went to the farmers market, to REI, and had a mellow evening. i was very excited at how minor the surgery seemed and so happy to have it behing me. fast forward to 4 am sunday.

I woke up at about 4am with major pain in my clavicle. walking to the bathroom and back was horrible. very reminicent of the initial break. jon went and got me some vicodin and i made it through the night. that morning the pain continued. i couldn't lift my arm, was having sharp jabbing pains in my clavicle, and had to wear a sling to keep the pain in check.

I called my surgeon's on call service and ended up talking to the fellow, who is sooo nice. he offered to meet me, on a sunday of memorial day (very appreciated) at the surgical center. He said he couldn't get an xray, but at least he would be able to take a look and see if there was anything obvious.

We met, he took off the dressing, and his conclusion was that nothing was broken, that i had a hematoma over the area that was really hurting, and maybe it was that the numbing medication wore off during the night.

So, off i went home, feeling kind of silly. Unfortunately, I still feel like its broken. i can't understand how it would go from feeling so good to feeling so bad in an instant. i can barely sleep, walking hurts, it hurts to get up and down off the couch, typing this is pretty painful.

anyway, i have my first official post op appt in a couple of hours and i am hoping they will take some xrays to confirm one way or the other. I am expecting the worse, but hoping that i'm wrong.

I'll post an update later.

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