Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Xrays showed that my clavicle did in fact re-break. I don't feel so silly any more, but am pretty bummed. The bone looks kind of like swiss cheese - there is more air than bone. It rebroke along one of the many empty screw holes. I wish i had known it would be so fragile. I don't think i would have had the surgery. the one positive thing i can see out of this is that when and if it does heal - it won't have a plate in it, so hopefully it won't hurt and i will be able to backpack. it just prolongs this year of recovery i seem to be entrenched in. i'm beyond over this. physical therapy for my hip is going to be interesting now that i can't lie on my side. guess we'll have to get creative.

one other positive thing - when i am finally able to hike, to bike, to run, swim, ski, jump, dance, fall, somersault, and do my heavy squats and deadlifts, i am going to cherish every moment. I'm going to savor the wind in my face, the strength of my body. I will appreciate every second. I think I did before, but it will be multiplied by 1000 when all of this is behind me.

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